08 October 2014

BREAKING NEWS: POSSIBLE EBOLA PATIENT TWO NOW EN ROUTE BY AMBULANCE TO DALLAS AREA HOSPITAL. 4 PM EST STATEMENT. Dallas Ebola Patient Zero Thomas Eric Duncan Dies At Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Ten Days After Delayed Ebola Diagnosis After First Being Turned Away Misdiagnosed To Occupied Apartment By Hospital Emergency Physicians Three Days Earlier Despite Being Clearly Ebola Symptomatic And Alerting Physicians, Nurses And Hospital To His Recent Return From Liberia

       Wednesday, 8 October 2014, DALLAS, TEXAS -The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital "community" congratulated itself for its care and expressed its "sincere" condolences for his "insidious" death (not even mentioning Ebola) to the quarantined family of deceased Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan who died this morning at 7 a.m. at the hospital ten days after being diagnosed for Ebola on 25 September 2014 three days after what the hospital now blames on a "computer error" for seeming medical malpractice and possible State medical board and healthcare facility regulators' discipline and other possible charges against treating ER doctors, nurses and other medical personnel as well as the hospital administration after his mistaken release to his occupied family apartment three critical days earlier although being clearly Ebola symptomatic but misdiagnosed and released unadmitted even after alerting physicians, nurses, medical personnel and hospital administration to his recent return from Liberia. The hospital altered its original story as previously reported here via the New York Times with the hospital compounding suspicions by later instead attributing myriad errors to "computer error".
       The Ninth Amendment lacks information as to whether criminal and/or civil charges for medical malpractice, negligent homicide, manslaughter, infliction of emotional distress to the patient or immediate currently quarantined family in a donated temporary "safe house" to which they were later reported driven personally by Dallas County senior elected official Judge Jenkins with no protection in an apparent attempt at damage control after many more emergency response errors and delays in decontaminating and quarantining the still-occupied apartment, wrongful death and/or any other charges that may be under consideration by Mr. Duncan's family and/or the District Attorney's office including perhaps obstruction of justice for changing the hospital's account or records and possibly needlessly resulting in both lack of time-critical care resulting in his death as well as exposing as many as an estimated twenty other persons in the Dallas area to the Ebola virus.
       Any such action by the District Attorney at this time seems unlikely since as pointed out by largely rather unsympathetic commenters on the below linked www.dallasnews.com piece powered by the Dallas Morning News the District Attorney actually reportedly rushed to get information from CNN so as to charge Mr. Duncan before he died for having lied on a bureaucratic form in apparently not disclosing he had been exposed to an Ebola infected relative who was actively bleeding whom he carried and took by taxi because an ambulance would not come to a hospital which turned her away and sent her home. A commenter pointed out that had Mr. Duncan evidently been truthful from the start he would not have been able to come and be the apparent first person to contract aid within the United States. However the Ninth Amendment does not believe that any person giving this position further thought would believe it any way excuses the subsequent serious misdiagnosis and misconduct of the hospital and Dallas and Texas total apparent lack of necessary initial emergency response for days regarding Mr. Duncan's family apartment and those exposed to him even three days later when his Ebola diagnosis was correctly made. Moreover CNN now is reporting "compelling
reports" that the woman Mr. Duncan helped not only was not diagnosed or known by him to have Ebola and even at the time of his departure for the United States after filling out forms and answering questions he was not aware that she had that same day died with no Ebola diagnosis having yet even been made.
       Would any of us in any case on reasoned thought really believe a hospital's errors possibly leading to our death or that of totally innocent exposed others should excuse all those involved who then incidentally would continue to treat hundreds or thousands of other patients because of a lack of honesty on any form even one concerning our medical history had there even been one. Even for those who truthfully can claim never to have done any such thing as not provide an accurate answer to a form or question do they really believe this justifies the totally unrelated quite possibly fatal missteps and possible subsequent cover-ups of a totally unrelated treating hospital expected by all including by the oaths of its health professionals to provide its very best care to all the sick who enter. Would they believe they deserved such possible deadly treatment by a hospital were they brought in for treatment for a serious auto accident even though they were believed to have been at fault? We think not. Medical personnel and hospital's errors are never excused in our experience because of any consideration of what might be the incredibly difficult task of definitively determining if they originally could be called responsible for the chain of causation leading to their need for emergency hospital health care. Just as here it now appears the original suspicions of Mr. Duncan's dishonesty were in any case mistaken. Thus what some suggest seems to us to be about the worst public health policy and unethical course of conduct for a health professional imaginable.
       In a terse released public statement after cancelling a scheduled press conference (probably on the advice of panicked hospital attorneys) the hospital administration gave no reason for waiting until only four days ago (six more critical days after the already three day delayed Ebola diagnosis) to give the experimental Ebola treatment to Mr. Duncan which already has been widely publicized for appearing to save the lives of earlier Americans returned from Liberia who appear to have recovered.
       Likewise the hospital blithely gave the explanation that Mr. Duncan despite repeated pleas from his family was not even given blood transfusions from previously infected patients as were given apparently successfully by all other hospitals to returned Americans because Texas Presbyterian Health Hospital stated that such blood transfusions had "not been proven to be effective" in treating Ebola although CNN noted nothing else at all yet has been "proven to be effective" either. Finally from initial reports from the family in this circumstance as well the hospital later altered its story when later turning away the family's urgings that Mr. Duncan be given a transfusion like all others in the United States of an exposed Ebola patient's blood telling them some time after they had first refused that "now it was too late".
       Public Health officials noted that the Mr. Duncan's Ebola case being the first reported as appearing in the United States had not been shown to be contained definitively among those whose vital signs are being followed who are believed but not known definitively to comprise all who may have been exposed to Mr. Duncan while symptomatic or to such things as the towels or sheets on his bed where Ebola can reportedly survive for at least a couple or few days in Mr. Duncan's occupied contaminated apartment which remained unremoved for days as Dallas and Texas officials struggled to find a commercial company willing to perform the cleanup and a lack of Texas permits to transport Ebola contamination on Texas public roadways. The public health official emphasized that Ebola can not yet be determined to be contained in Dallas stating that therefore it still has the potential to extend across the continent or even globally however remote that may be believed to be especially if one relies on Dallas and Texas health officials' assurances that despite all evidence of their initial response or lack thereof that residents may rely on exponentially more competent responses to any possible next and every other possible following Ebola scare that Dallas may experience.
       Interested readers may find more detailed information on the above as well as other related reports in the link below to the www.dallasnews.com report powered by the Dallas Morning News the newspaper located in the place of Mr. Duncan's death.  Just breaking news on a possible second Dallas Ebola case may probably best be learned by readers now become viewers from CNN or other television news reports. A press conference has now been scheduled for 4:00 pm Eastern Time as just has been reported on CNN.


Copyright 2014 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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