13 October 2014

II. Google Retaliates For Google+ Deceptive Practices Disclosure? UPDATED: Torrent Of Shameless Abbott Lies Spews Forth Relentlessly Despite Federal District Court Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos 143-Page Decision Striking Down GOP Texas Voter ID Law "Most Restrictive In The Country" Intentionally Discriminates Against Latinos, Blacks And Other Minorities Appeal Now Planned By Prejudiced Corrupt GOP Woman-Hater AG "Dark Money" Greg "Payday" Abbott Whose Pitiful Lying Excuse For His Shameful Attempt Still To Block Minority Votes By GOP Repugnant Ploys With More Pathetic Lies That Striking Down The Unconstitutional GOP Illegal Voter ID Requirement "Would Confuse Texas Voters"

       Monday, 13 October 2014, CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS -  With each sunrise the 2014 Texas Governor's election draws one day closer to the Tuesday, 4 November 2014 looming deadline of his ever receding vanishing victory chances inevitably as if it has become entirely impossible for him publicly to utter a true word or express an honest opinion or real feeling knowing that with just one such slip that really to do any of those things would instantly let Texas voters who do not already realize what a load of goods he is trying to hoist on the good true honest hardworking people of Texas thus committing the unpardonable sin of violating the bond of trust with every fellow Texan he intends to keep exploiting to the max just as he has done and continues to do and therefore must maintain his code of unflinching dishonesty like the mask it is.
       But with each new disclosure of worsening corruption and his latest ever weaker covering lies he will hang on right up to that day as Texas Attorney General For Sale as soon as he can slip by their watchful eyes into that Governor's Mansion for corrupt Woman-Hating AG "Dark Money" Greg "Payday" Abbott it will be "wa-hoo!" business as usual with the new Governor same as the old throwing open the back door to that select familiar mob of backroom dark money boys who bought the election and him with it.  
       Already no doubt rubbing their hands together in expectation of what more they plan to take of Texas and its taxpayers as they toss a few crumbs of the Texas taxpayers' money back to Abbott just as rehearsed so long with Indicted Idiot Governor Rick "Payback" Perry doling out his illegal "TEF" Perry Taxpayer Enterprise Slushfund Grants while Abbott kept his eyes politely averted and just stuck out his hands to grab the couple of Texas taxpayer millions that trickled back to Abbott from the illegal grants to Abbott's major criminal Bank of America bribe "campaign donor" which came right back to Abbott from the millions in illegal enterprise slushfund grants of taxpayer money Abbott conveniently overlooked not having the criminal bank return it despite the fact it was AG "Payday" Abbott's legal duty to do just that. That is take the illegal gains back from that criminal B of A bank and his other "dark money" cronies but to return it to the taxpayers and not as he was so used to doing just right back into his pocket.
       The Ninth Amendment in any case briefly in its earlier post dated last Friday, 10 October 2014 reported on the prior day's court ruling finding the Texas GOP Voter ID requirement intentionally discriminatory against Latinos, blacks, and other minorities such that the federal government might even be forced to oversee Texas voting practices such as having to approve in advance any changes in the voting system due to a long history of intentional discriminatory voting practices until such time as certain desperate GOP career government seat warmers get it through their heads that no matter the transparent latest discriminatory plan they come up with to keep rightful voters out of the polling place it really is just them trying to play the same old dirty tricks over and over like a card cheat that has become tiresome beyond words to those who just finally are getting around to cutting the bull and letting the battle by the rules begin and as all good Americans ultimately believe may the best person win. 
       In the meantime Texas GOP and all GOP politicians who have passed voter ID laws have argued that they prevent voter fraud, increase voter integrity, and increase voter turnout. The New York Times article linked to below for interested readers emphasizes that these restrictive voting laws have done nothing but the exact opposite of the above instead reducing voter turnout, as for integrity the Federal District Court Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos in Corpus Christi, Texas last week found the GOP Texas voting law to be "the most restrictive in the country" intended to discriminate against minorities and as for voter fraud that was nothing but the big lie with two cases of voter impersonation having been pursued in over ten years out of twenty million votes case. Federal District Court Judge Ramos in her withering decision of Texas corrupt political history praised highly by the New York Times even likened Abbott's voter ID requirement to a poll tax as obviously all true honest hard-working Texans that did not meet Abbott's contrived "voter ID" requirements would have to incur the potentially large cost of juggling missed work commitments and paying for the gathering of sometimes obscure old documents and then of course paid preparation of the pointless "IDs".
So if readers just have a moment corrupt Woman-Hater AG "Dark Money" Greg "Payday" Abbott has got an appeal he would love to sell you. Might as well buy it with one's money because if he is the next Texas Governor one can be sure one way or another he is going to get it at least that part of Texans' money he gets back from his very special "friends" whom you will never meet. The latest update available on this matter is that despite the extremely strong condemnation of Abbott's "Voter ID" law in the Court's heated decision the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has reinstated this obvious attempt to keep Abbott opponents from the polls. Therefore at last reports Texas Voter ID's will be required as Democrats now  scramble to raise more funds.
       Meanwhile Google continues to retaliate against the Ninth Amendment by interfering with recent posts reader access and/or accurate statistical reporting for the Ninth Amendment's exposure of just one component of Google's deceptive practices in trying to coerce Google Blogger and other service users to switch to Google+ solely for Google's financial benefit in attempting to create a contrived very lucrative social media franchise by deceiving current users to disclose personal information and artificially create friendships and relationships between persons which are none existent one example of which is discussed for interested readers in the link immediately below:



Copyright Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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