08 October 2014

Run Amok FBI And Other Federal "National Security" Domestic Spying Outfits Get Hypocrites Obama And Holder Appeal Assist Against Tech Companies Including Google, Microsoft Corp., Facebook Winning Suit Against Federal Government Issuing Prior Restraint Gag Orders In Attempt To Prevent Release By Techs Of Lists Of Unwelcome Federal Unconstitutional Demands For Customer Information, Twitter Too Sues Federal SuperSnoops For Breadth Of Spying Imposed On Twitter After Failed "Talks"

       Wednesday, 8 October 2014, SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Not being satisfied with Courts allowing their widespread unconstitutional snooping on and invading the privacy of all Americans with neither warrants, court orders, or even articulated suspicion hypocritical Obama/Holder supported U.S Government federal spying agencies now having lost a lower court decision allowing tech companies in unwelcome receipt of such orders to invade their customers privacy and "directing" them to engage in this clear fundamental constitutional rights invasion on behalf of the federal government at least under the lower federal court's order to disclose such unwelcome requests and disclosures to customers including even in aggregate numbers because such blanket "gag orders" constitute "prior restraint" which is the most repugnant restraint in jurisprudence of core first amendment rights including to freedom of speech and the press.
       Since these federal spying agencies which hypocrite President Barack Obama and Attorney General Holder exactly as promised not to do when Obama first ran for Presidential office seeking to distinguish himself from former not-elected "President" Bush have not been restrained but instead continued to be supported as official State policy to run ever further totally amok even in the face of even worsening abuse of the People's constitutional and other legal rights much less forget about moral and ethical restraints (terms that long ago fell out of the State's vocabulary) naturally they again are screaming "national security" as they insist on trampling one right after another even in such ridiculous circumstances as below. Someone needs to tattoo Benjamin Franklin's admonition on these dangerous idiots' foreheads. Twitter too agrees reportedly having given up on lengthy "negotiations" with the State for ordering the use of social media as yet another spying tentacle of untold proportions with the State now having totally alienated yet more of the great minds of a generation with the Federal State conspiracy of dunces at the table no doubt endlessly repeating the two words left they know "national security" ad nauseum forcing disgusted Twitter finally yesterday to throw up its hands and just sue the federal government as well.
       In the appeal scheduled to be heard by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco today Federal spy agencies including the FBI plan to expound on the same old tired arguments that their attempts not only to proceed with their clearly unconstitutional demands of telecom, internet and tech companies but even to "gag" unwilling companies from disclosing the fact of the demands even in the aggregate as a threat calling "such secrecy 'vital' in national security cases because public disclosure could interfere with the probe or endanger someone's physical safety," which phrase the Ninth Amendment could just bet the State cut and pasted out of about one million other specious fictitious "legal briefs". This with more details is reported today in the Reuters article linked to below. Sure aggregate disclosure of such information is going to "endanger someone's physical safety".  And if readers believe that we have got a whole warehouse of "like new" United States Constitutions that are no longer in use by the current federal government that we would like to sell you. Not really please do not be in touch.
       It should be obvious we would think to most at this point the bigger threat to anyone's physical safety is not these telecom, internet, and tech companies being forced to snoop by federal spy agencies that have proven incapable of doing their jobs the right (and incidentally legal) way not being "gagged" from disclosing even aggregates of lists of such "requests by force" in violation of yet further fundamental core Constitutional rights.
       The biggest threat to the American people's personal safety, the Nation's security, and everyone's liberty with the continuing State assaults decimating the sacred text of the Constitution which ironically is the only compact which affords the State any legitimacy in the first place as revealed particularly by continuing careful disclosures of the State's seemingly endless voluminous mountains of misdeeds and attempted cover-ups from Edward Snowden's vast library of cautiously distributed documents has now been revealed to all as none other than these State federal executive "national security" agencies run wild out-of-control screaming "fire" in every crowded theater and hollering "national security" (like the loser alcoholic morphine crazed Senator Joseph McCarthy and his opportunistic posse whose "Red Baiting" no one even the venerable (at that time) Supreme Court dared rein in for fear of life, liberty and career until McCarthy simply virtually disintegrated into the nothing at all that he was) in every legal case the Feds wish to strong-arm the judiciary into backing down and letting the "national security" hysteria junkies "win" for fear that otherwise the Court doubtless will be ordering the end of the world.
       These are nothing more than cases where as in the usual course of human experience those with far too little experience are allowed way too much power and thus will use it inevitably until they are "corrupted absolutely" as long ago observed by Lord Acton so here now they wish to holler on about spying domestically on ordinary citizens that is each of us (and doubtless one day themselves as well) with near zero correlation to any valid "national security" concern that they are likely to discover. These are cases the Department of Justice would have been ashamed to argue in better times and so it should be now. And what the heck are they so eager to be "probing" all the time anyway. Can one not go to jail or some rehabilitative institution or at least a proctologist for doing so much probing.


Copyright 2014 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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