26 October 2010

GM Top Brass Saved from Extinction by Democrats Slaps Them in the Face

26 October 2010, DETROIT - General Motors, which only was saved from extinction by bailouts championed by President Obama and the Democrats, over the loud objections of Republicans, has slapped the Democrats in the face by giving large contributions to Republican campaigns to help Republicans beat Democrats in the upcoming mid-term elections.
This act of General Motor's "gratitude" was dismissed by General Motors officials as simply being becuase the Republicans have a "better understanding of the needs the automotive industry". In fact, the complete lack of gratitude and greed by General Motors is simply motivated by the fact that now that the Democrats have saved the company, along with much of the American automotive industry, General Motors of course would prefer now to be making more money by its strong support for global warming without government interference in its manufacture of gaz-guzzling vehicles.
It is not known whether General Motors' directors, executives, and managers have children to whom they care at all whether or not they will leave a planet dying due to global warming from carbon monoxide emissions contributed to largely by General Motors. Indications are they care more about their money than leaving a living planet to their children.
The Ninth Amendment encourages all Americans and residents of the rest of the globe to shun the purchase of any General Motors' vehicles and let the company vanish just as the Republicans wished.
Of course all working class employees of General Motors who actually do the work that fills the pockets of the fat cat top-level ingrates who run the company and receive a fortune for doing virtually no work should be fully paid from much higher taxes levied against these fat cat ingrates until the working class people find other work of equal or higher pay when General Motors collapses.
Karma of course dictates that the General Motors top-level directors, executives, and managers then will subsist on food stamps and welfare, after they move from their foreclosed suburban estates into the inner city of Detroit. Just as they would have had the Democrats not bailed them out from their failed business practices. Perhaps they might find work at the carwash, washing Chryslers, and Fords (Ford never having needed a bailout).

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