26 October 2010

Texas Governor Perry Doubles Contender Bill White Donations

26 October 2010, AUSTIN - The Perry campaign proudly revealed that it has doubled Bill White donations just from a small handful of donors who are confident they will make back their donations "with interest" from the "investment" in Perry paybacks. Perry donors who numbered about a total of five rich Texans, including one who gave Perry at least $600,000 in "tribute", are seeing Perry's donations pour into an anti-White TV advertisement that exploits the misfortune of a Houston widow.
This fairly well sums up the full extent of the Perry campaign strategy, which not suprisingly kept him from exposing his ignorance in the televised Texas governors' campaign debate or addressing any other issue regarding his uniformingly flawed policies in "governing" Texas. Former-Democrat Perry has avoided any public campaign appearances (other than to lobbyists who formerly worked for the "Governor", at exorbitantly-priced private dinners where others can also donate "tribute" for favors from the "Governor".)
It is yet to be seen if Governor Perry's re-election strategy of basing his entire campaign on one negative anti-White TV advertisement, and supported entirely by about five Texans, will succeed in winning him a record fourth-term following a record third-term already as "Governor" of Texas. Meanwhile, Bill White will have to do his best to win supported only by the vast majority of Texans.
Presumably, although White has held a variety of positions, including as Deputy Secretary of Energy under President Clinton, Perry would be completely at a loss as what else to do if he could not keep doing big favors to a few rich Texans so as to remain "Governor" forever.
Mr. Perry is known to sleep quivering in his Mickey Mouse pajamas in fear of the Mexican Mafia with his famous "six-shooter" stuck in his pajama pants. This of course is why he has courageously done nothing to secure the Texas border with Mexico while lambasting the federal government for not doing it for him. It is not known whether the "Governor" has actually ever hit anything with the gun except a coyote which scared him (or he claims his dog) on his morning jog.

Copyright 2010 Big M and Little L  All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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