19 October 2010

Texas Gubernatorial Democrat Candidate Bill White Embraces Death Penalty

Tuesday, 19 September 2010, AUSTIN, TX - In a televised re-broadcast tonight of Texas' gubernatorial debate not attended by Governor Perry, Bill White, who allegedly claims that he attended Harvard University, sadly admitted that despite being afforded the best education the United States offers, like Governor Perry Mr. White embraces the death penalty.
Mr. White, once thought to be smart and thoughtful, like the late U.S. Supreme Court Justices William O. Douglas, William Brennan, and Hugo Lafayette Black, to name just a few, apparently did not even learn at Harvard (if he did in in fact attend it) that states with death penalties invariably have higher murder rates, and that one can never be "100% certain" of anything, despite what Mr. White may believe. He may think the sun will rise every day, but there is not guarantee that it will. Moreover, Mr. White apparently believes that mayors possess the power to change court evidentiary rulings and verdicts despite the fact that mayors are not members of the judiciary but serve strictly local executive functions. This should be clear to Mr. White from the U.S. Constitution.
Mr. White is expected to have to take a remedial government course at the community college in Tijuana that he actually probably did attend. Aside from the Green Party Candidate, unfortunately Texans apparently now prove to have no capable, humane candidate to serve as Governor. The Ninth Amendment recommends moving from the murderous State of Texas as soon as possible as the Green Party unlikely will win a Presidential election in our lifetimes short of an armed revolution. Already Mexicans finally have learned this and are fleeing the United States. Veritas.

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