25 October 2010

US and NATO Troops Drive Taliban From Kandahar Region Faster Than Expected

25 October 2010, KABUL - Gen. David Patraeus, standing in front of an obsolete painting of "old" Afghanistan, late last week reported that US and NATO troops apparently were ahead of schedule in the "final stages" of clearing the Taliban from just west of Kandahar.
Gen. Petraeus, somewhat (about one million times) more intelligent than his outspoken predecessor fired summarily by President Obama after making idiotic comments along with his senior staff to music magazine Rolling Stone, that is special forces trained Gen. McChrystal (now on welfare), was somewhat more cautious in assessing this US-NATO "victory".
Gen. Patraeus and his senior staff did not fail to remember that a former US "victory" in the Marja district of neighboring Helmund province was short-lived when U.S. Marine officers learned that the Taliban in fact had really only temporarily fled the area just to return on their own terms supplied, alive and in force.
Meanwhile the "disappeared" Kandahar Taliban have launched widespread attacks throughout other areas of Afghanistan and escalated attacks on vital US-NATO supply lines. It has not escaped Gen. Petraeus' attention that rather than wait to be attacked west of Kandahar, the Taliban has merely moved elsewhere to remain alive until they can take up the fight re-supplied and again on their own terms.
President Obama, after serving nearly half of his first term, has been successful despite being distracted trying to clean up the incredible economic and military disaster left him by former "President" little shrub Bush, who never actually was elected. President Obama's tremendous progress in halting and actually starting to turn around the Bush debacle has gone (with Republican TV prodding) largely unrecognized by many Americans, who, for example, appear not to be aware that his efforts to save major American car companies have been hugely successful and have been estimated to have saved over ONE MILLION American jobs in the midwest. Under President Obama all Americans now are guaranteed capless health care within a few years. (Which legislation government Republicans compassionately promise to reverse since they all have prime-quality health care at poor Americans' expense already.)
The Economist magazine recently directly apologized for criticizing President Obama's efforts and has expressly recognized that the world's premier economics magazine was dead wrong in criticizing President Obama's efforts. Meanwhile the Republicans who assisted "President" little shrub Bush in reversing President Clinton's remarkable 1990's budget surplus and creating a huge budget deficit largely by giving handouts to the rich have launched their new "Pledge to America".
The Republican "plan" to reverse their Bush-era debacle, reportedly sketched out in ten minutes on an airline cocktail napkin, is unbelievably permanently to extend tax breaks for the rich and super-rich to balance the budget, and to fire federal employees to address the astronomical unemployment rates the Republicans created. They hope to regain control of the Congress in the mid-term elections so they can implement this astoundingly brilliant plan, which is just what created the disaster to begin with, meanwhile being confused about who these new "Tea Bag" people are, where they came from, and what they want.
President Obama, like President Clinton, is thought to hold a small or no chance at all of re-election as of ending his first mid-term, although President Obama and the military of course has been left by Bush with the added challenge of addressing pointless US military conflicts around the globe. The Ninth Amendment log here predicts this belief is dead wrong and like President Clinton, President Obama WILL be re-elected and recognized as President Clinton has as one of the top US presidents in the history of the country.
Former "President" little shrub Bush is not known to be needed for any consultation with the present Obama administration. He now is reported along with Texas Governor "six-shooter" Perry to be the guest of good friend "AK-47" Osama bin Laden, probably in Pakistan where both Governor Perry and the former "President" Bush are consuming vast quantities of complimentary top-quality Afghanistan heroin (which they now prefer to crack cocaine) that US-NATO forces have allowed to flourish in Afghanistan since the Taliban left power.
As US military officials have repeatedly said in letting truckloads of heroin pass through checkpoints, "That's not our mission, and besides it is probably being sold by the CIA to supplement its budget, since the CIA now has their own army here in Afghanistan now, too, although we are not too sure what they are doing with it".

Copyright 2010 Big M All World Rights Reserved


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  2. Bogdan, of course we are friends. I will be reading your blog as soon as I catch up on mine. Anyone from Romania is alright by me. Thank you for your interest and representing me to your friends.

    Copyright 2010 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

  3. Bogdan Ninth Amendment apologizes for the above typo. Thank you for "recommending" us to your friends. Best regards.

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