23 August 2011

President Obama Sleeps As Libya Descends into Chaos - Why Not Just Give Perry the Presidency?

Tuesday, 23 August 2011, TRIPOLI - The Ninth Amendment reminds READERS NOT TO BYPASS THE NEW YORK TIMES PAYWALL AND READ UNLIMITED DIGITAL CONTENT SIMPLY BY SETTING THEIR FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". The Ninth Amendment just submitted the following comment to the Times regarding its mistaken reporting of a rebel "victory" in Libya but very colorful digital front page slideshow.

Submitted Comment:


Readers looking for accurate "news" are advised to take a look here. Sounds like the Times and other news organizations took the bait as they "report" the "rebel victory" in Libya while holed up in a hotel in Tripoli - where as this morning's Times shows with Qaddafi's son's visit they are under the protection of - oh my, Colonel Qaddafi. Maybe the world press should try leaving the hotel and take a stroll around the city on their own.
      Please give us some real news, like the old Times, not a meaningless photo montage which could have been made at a soundstage in Los Angeles. As for President Obama, he better wake up pretty soon out there on the Vineyard. All he has yet to do is get on a ship with a "Mission Accomplished" banner on it, as he sets up Payback Perry to be the Nation's next President. Meanwhile no doubt Cheney is licking his chops for business opportunities for his Black Death contractors.
     Has President Obama lost it? He is getting ready to have his clock cleaned. Meanwhile what IS going on in Libya, looks like the Obama administration is doing its best, should the "good guys" win, to bring Libya into a state like Iraq's after George "little shrub" Bush was done with Iraq. Excuse us, but who did you say would be in charge when Qaddafi's gone?
     No doubt, President Obama's first move will be to "disband" the army, whatever that is, if he follows the Bush "plan". Then the world can watch Libya rapidly descend into killing, kidnapping, looting, arson and total destruction of whatever Libyan infrastructure is left. Oh yes, the rebel clowns can be in charge then, although we cannot quite trust them now as to whether they have won or lost. Wait until the U.S., NATO, and the rest of the world leaves Libya behind. The United States will be safely ensconced in the "Green Zone", or whatever color the Generals get to choose.
     Wake up President Obama, time to get off the Vineyard and join the world unless you want to be out on your ranch in Chicago by 2013. We are serious now. You are losing the country fast, Mr. President. Best to make some effort also not to lose even more of the world while you are ON VACATION. Or you will have plenty of time for vacation and to chaperon your daughters. You showed us you were smart in 2008. Has someone since put marbles in your head. It is REALLY time to come through on now, or you are done. Kaput. Sayanora. See you in the funny papers. We are serious, can you tell?

Perry-Palin in 2012. American Apocalypse in 2013.

Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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