07 September 2011

Governor Rick "Payback" Perry to Demonstrate Idiocy on National Television Debate

     Wednesday, 7 September 2011, SIMI VALLEY, CA -  Texas Governor Rick "Payback" Perry as detailed in the below comment is scheduled to showcase his idiocy to the whole Nation with which he is a "Fed Up" traitor in his first face-off with Republican Presidential contenders from the academically acclaimed Reagan Library. READERS ARE REMINDED NOT TO BYPASS THE NEW YORK TIMES SPIFFY "PAYWALL" AND READ UNLIMITED TIMES DIGITAL CONTENT FOR FREE SIMPLY BY SETTING THEIR FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING".      Unlike Mormon Romney, whom we do not support either, Texas Governor Rick "Payback" Perry could not remember his handlers' list of 3 ways to create jobs, let alone read 5 in a row from a teleprompter. Former Democrat Perry better be doing his phony "holy man" imitation tonight since he cannot get off with his favorite "scientific" 10 second local media appearance in some backwater Texas coffee shop.
     As has been documented by our Ninth Amendment log at in posts for the past two years, "Payback" Perry is not even acknowledged by the University (Texas A&M) at which he supposedly studied and presumably flunked out of his animal husbandry major. If he were not Governor of Texas forever now and then loses as President, "Six-Shooter" Perry will be #1 in the unemployment line, due to absolute ignorance and ineptitude, or more likely doing a long prison term for the criminal paybacks and kickbacks and sweetheart deals this lowlife loser has been stashing away for years.
     Take a look at Perry's books about his prowess as a Boyscout, his latest remaindered book "Fed Up" disparaging this Great Country and every person who has spilled blood for it. Not to mention his idiot threats to "secede" from the U.S., presumably so Texas can be overrun by its historical owner Mexico (his greatest fear after coyotes) in about five minutes. "Payback" Perry stabbed his former boss alleged but non-elected "President" George "little shrub" Bush in the back, and Perry lied that he would NEVER run for President just as Bush had lied.
     "Payback" Perry never created a job nor a dollar but for himself and those who paid him off bigtime, the rest were given the worst education, social services, welfare, health and education in the country on their inevitable path to the world's worst death row in the U.S. #1 rape prisons or, if they were lucky, the minimum wage overnight job at the gas station convenience store. "Payback" Perry and "If I only had a brain" Palin in 2012. American Apocalypse in 2013.
Copyright 2011 Big M and Little L All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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