13 September 2011

Times Comment on Political Satire Published Monday 12 September 2011 Heralds New Age of Guerilla Media

     Tuesday, 13 September 2011, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - The Ninth Amendment reminds READERS TO AVOID READING UNLIMITED NEW YORK TIMES DIGITAL CONTENT WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTION SIMPLY BY SETTING READERS' FIREFOX BROWSERS TO "PRIVATE BROWSING". We gratefully acknowledge the Times' digital publication of our comments largely repeated here since we never know in advance if our readers will find the content of our posts published elsewhere or not.
     After several years of San Francisco television cablecasts of  "The New American" (the 51st State of Consciousness) co-hosted in the 1990's by Big M and the late Jim Coulson, whose unparalleled world view entertained, confused and engaged several years and untold thousands of the Bay City's viewers and channel-surfers, those of us who survived awoke shortly into the new century and millennium to a world forever changed. Since well before then we have spent far too much time in this country enmeshed in what has become President Eisenhower's prophetic endless conflicts we know as "waronnothing".
    The untimely passing of disarmingly meaningful, hilarious, absolutely unorthodox American political satire far too soon thereafter closely coincided with the loss of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. Dr. Thompson came of age politically when written material was still printed and read on paper, and Rolling Stone still was a fledgling San Francisco rock music magazine until the fateful day Dr. Thompson strutted into Rolling Stone's San Francisco offices to launch his national campaign for Sheriff of Aspen, Colorado.
     As referred to in several recent posts, readers should prepare for the Ninth Amendment soon to commence a rapid transition into a centerpiece of the new media with the will to work ceaselessly to bring the best and brightest minds and talent available to save this Great Country and this Earth from annihilation. Our admitted stumbling efforts haltingly to launch a new electronic publication rooted in American political satire and in part re-establish that rich tradition in this Country are loosely documented in recent posts to our "Ninth Amendment" log.
     With plans soon to greatly expand from our nascent home at www.waronnothing.blogspot.com. (Neither we nor the O.E.D. yet have stooped to recognize the ridiculous techie "word" starting with the letter "B"). Our editorial headquarters board (operating from temporary World Headquarters on an island at the center of the 51st State of Consciousness in WarOnNothing Square) and our global staff bureaus repeatedly have been appalled to encounter the near-complete death in this Country of a great tradition spanning centuries from Mark Twain to the more recent day "National Lampoon", and of course "Mad Magazine" (which ranks perhaps as one of the most sophisticated and exhilarating American publications of all time along with "Foreign Affairs").
     Extensive research assisted by a multitude of American academics including top regional and university librarians reveals that they too have been shocked to confirm that as of now ABSOLUTELY NO dedicated political satire published print publication they can find exists in this Great Country. Likewise, other than conversations that still might be had on occasion mostly only in US cities such as NY, DC, Boston, or SF, we have found that beyond about .01% of Americans none show even a glimmer of recognition in response to any type of satire, irony, sarcasm although we try to avoid that, or any other arguably thoughtful humor.
     We suspect this is because lacking a "laugh track" a generation of Americans under constant commercial assault by corrupt media pigs are at a dead loss to summon any comprehension of from where a comment might "be coming". They then as so well-trained by a "popular media" that spawns brain death assume humor they cannot comprehend must involve some kind of grave insult.
     We welcome your contributions of all kinds to the New Great Endeavor. We affirm your right to think, speak, worship, pursue happiness and enjoy any and all of your natural-born rights not specifically prohibited by the compact of the United States Constitution AS INTENDED BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS.
     The Ninth Amendment expressly recognizes all human beings are born equal, specifically acknowledges that violence will never triumph over peace, trusts that evil will beget only evil, recognizes the miracle of an Earth capable of sustaining all in peace, harmony and love, where every Unconstitutional "war" (actually conflict) ultimately will be exposed as a war on nothing at all, and further vows never to hesitate to express our honest understanding that anything that presumes to call itself an "intelligence" outfit is nothing but the opposite, an organ devoted to the stupidity not to remember the simple admonition "Thou shalt not kill" with its "intelligence" inevitably culminating in torture, assassination, and retribution.
     Finally any person who stalks the Earth believing they know more than enough to disingenuously manipulate others in heartless insatiable greed and cause the masses untold suffering in reality is nothing more than a champion of ignorance destined for a fate that is unspeakable and unthinkable in its horror. 

Copyright 2011 Big M All World Rights Expressly Reserved

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